I’ve been nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers award!

Thank you so much to Orbb’s Fashion for the nomination, awesome, so grateful! (and sorry it took me a while to do this post). Please check out her lovely fashion blog, which features themed picks across a range of clothing stores, often focussing on affordable ranges for those of us who might be a bit skint! My current favourite is Youthful Exuberance – loving the blue suede boots and heart shaped pastel sunglasses!



1. Thank and link the blogger who nominated you.
2. Answer the 10 questions your nominator has provided.
3. Nominate ten other bloggers.
4. Create 10 questions for your nominees and notify them of their nomination.

Questions from Orbb’s Fashion:

1) What inspires you the most? the family I help to support in Uganda.
2) Who is your favorite author? It switches regularly but probably R.J. Ellory or David Mitchell.
3) What inspired you to start blogging?To celebrate the unusual and the power of being different; also, I was craving a creative outlet, plus I guess I want to try and make the world a little tiny bit happier!
4) What are your favorite series? (TV, comics, etc) Parenthood, Hart of Dixie, Scandal, Grimm, Blue Bloods.
5) Do you have a favorite movie? If so, what is it? My three favourites are: It’s a Wonderful Life, Easy Rider, and Before Sunrise.
6) Do you game? If so, what’s your favorite? Not since Zelda: Ocarina of Time (don’t think anything could surpass that for me 🙂
7) Who are your role models? (all answers are acceptable; family, fictional characters, famous people, etc) My “little sister” in Uganda; Beyonce; Hillary Rodham Clinton; SJP.
8) What are your aspirations? To be happy and make the world a better place, and especially a fairer place for women.
9) Do you have a hobby? (I enjoy crochet 🙂I play Ukulele, guitar and harmonica, and I love to sing.
10) What’s a little known fact about you? (of course one you don’t mind sharing with the internet) I have 14 brothers and sisters, including halves, steps, step-steps, and two half-sisters I have never met!

I nominate:

my eclectic muse

geez kyra louise

Adventures in Ink

14 weeks worth of socks

not so cool gal

not without my coffee

your beauty script

amanda says

Questions for my nominees:

1. How long have been blogging for?
2. Who was your childhood crush?
3. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
4. What’s your favourite type of blog post to read?
5. If you had to leave right now this second for a week away, what 3 beauty items would you pack?
6. Juices with kale or other veg in – yay! or Bleurgh?
7. Are you involved with any charities?
8. What’s your top tip for chilling out when you feel stressed?
9. Blazer or kimono?
10. What’s next for your blog?
Image result for creativity quotes

16 thoughts on “I’ve been nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers award!”

      1. Sorry Jo, I only just saw this comment! I didn’t know there was a WordPress app until today, and I’ve just discovered I can like people’s comments etc *smack forehead* don’t tell anyone how silly I am will you 🙂 anyway, I WILL do this award thingy in a couple of days, just have one scheduled for tomorrow morning and it’s another award AND I’ve tagged you so hope you’ll accept 🙂 it’s for the Creative Blogger Award. I wasn’t sure if I could do it twice! And sorry again this is so late! Will let you know when this one goes up! xxx

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  1. Thank you so much for the nomination! And congratulations to yourself of course! I’ve actually never seen It’s a Wonderful Life, but heard it’s a great classic! Wow, you have a lot of family members you haven’t met!

    Liked by 1 person

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